

The parody is a form of humor that uses the context, characters, expressions and the functioning of a work.


On television
* Les Guignols de l'info, parody of information and parodies in general.
* The Unknown, various parodies, especially television (cartoons, music videos, documentaries, sports programmes, serials, advertisements, etc.).
* Blank included parodied advertisements
* Téléchat, program for children who parodiait newspaper and television ads.
* Léguman series aired in this same issue, which parodiait the sentai.
* We C We, a group of french comic whose show on France 3 parodiait various sets and emissions.
* The Heart has its reasons parody the American soaps
* Parodies on land issue which specialized in the shields of excerpts from films, but also parodiait video clips and advertisements.

In cinema
Some films also use the winks to films, which they can pay tribute or not.

* Austin Powers, parody films spy James Bond
* Le Bal des vampires, parody films about Dracula
* War and Love (Love and Death), 1975, Woody Allen, parody of War and Peace and the Alexandre Nevski by Eisenstein
* The Grand Frisson (High Anxiety), 1977, Mel Brooks, parody of Alfred Hitchcock films
* Frankenstein Junior, parody films on Frankenstein
* Hot Shots, parody of Top Gun and Rambo
* Mars Attacks! parody of sci-fi movies
* OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies, parody films espionage
* Sex Academy, parody films for teens
* Scary Movie, parody of several horror movies and other (Scream, The Sixth Sense, Matrix, etc.).
* Are there a pilot in the plane? (Airplane), parody films-like disasters Airport
* The Magnificent, filmed parody of the SAS series
* Top Secret, parody of Elvis Presley films and movies on the Resistance.
* The Dictator by Charlie Chaplin, some scenes parody films of Nazi propaganda.
* Spaceballs, parody of Star Wars
* Big Movie, parody films of Warner Bros.
* Spinal Tap parody groups hard rock and their daily tribulations.
* Galaxy Quest parody films Star Trek
* Superhero Movie parody films super-hero.

In Literature
(From the Greek parodia = bouffonne imitation of a poetic chant) Initially, during the comic tragedy, then book that ridicules a model known serious, determined a current literary or some way to write, accentuating their thematic or formal. It may have referred comic, but most of the time it takes care of a controversial dimension because it marks a break with books and currents that are perceived as outdated. Ex: The Don Quixote parody the novels of chivalry, and Gargantua and Pantagruel of Rabelais, the scholastic.

* The Molvanie, parody of travel guide
* The Tunnel of Abruticementation, parody of science-fiction
* Resident Debile 4, parody of Resident Evil 4.
* Bored of the Rings, parody Lord of the Rings.
* The Legend of the sexes, parody of The Legend of centuries.
* Barry Trotter, parody of Harry Potter.
* Der stars, comic parody of Star Wars.
* Pastiches by Roger Brunel, the great heroes of comics reviewed with humour and paillardise (note here, a shift of meaning to parody pastiche ...).
* Ella Enchanted.
* Rantanplan, parody of Rintintin.
* Dragon fall, parody of Dragon Ball.
* Our Cast Georges Perec, e lipogrammatique parody in The Disappearance of The Cast Charles Baudelaire in Flowers of Evil.
* Roland Barthes without penalty Burnier-Rambaud, parodiait form of manual published by Balland (1978), the style of Roland Barthes, see also VA Q Patrick Rambaud, published in 1986 (Balland) Marguerite Duras.
* Read an analysis of a few parodies and literary hoaxes in Great impostures literary Philippe Di Folco, published in 2006.
* FORUM BREAK Albatard pirate of the space.

(See page parodiste musical) used in parodies present is to resume a hit song of the moment and change the lyrics to a topical subject.

* Bidochons: They made parodies songs of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols, Telephone ...
* The Unknown, through their songs also made fun of rock bands and variety.
* 6 / 9, the team behind the morning radio NRJ, has made many parodies of tubes passing themselves on the radio (whose simple chicken in 2004 came to be placed in second place behind the sales 'original Dragostea din Tei group O-Zone).
* IGO-Parodies parody of popular songs. He is very active in the field of radio in Quebec.
* Sebastien Cauet, the radio host made some parodies of songs (including debilitating it will mark Zidane, re-parodied to turn it into Zidane struck after the final of the World Cup 2006, officials Plage Records label who made the tube unexpected summer 2006)
* Choum a visitor is known for his parodies, often vulgar.
* The studio Paral & Piped is currently one of the most active in the field of musical parody.
* Fatal Bazooka parody rap in general.

Read also Eddie Murphy


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