Mass poisoning


Mass poisoning
Party in a village in Hebei Province, north China, which should be busy and bustling changed mess and panic. The Beijing News daily, Monday (13/10), report, the father of the prospective bride who looks very happy to invite friends and family to a party Friday night before the wedding day.

Problems occur when the food is cooked in a pot too large flat because less salt. Guests requesting additional salt, but the pot is inserted into the white powder similar to salt to remove rust.

"All food boiled in a large pot. However, once the party is over, all guests will be too soft," write the Beijing News, while delegates. Several hours later, around 170 guests brought to the hospital because of stomach wind, vomiting, and diarrhea.

"When the hospital examination room full of patients with vomiting, stomach the wind, and diarrhea," said a doctor. However, this interference is only briefly, and all patients have been allowed to go home the next day. Guests acknowledge, they add that they think powdered salt into the food tasteless.

Acts concerning food poisoning in China almost always appear. Recently, milk powder formula that melamine contaminated create tens of thousands of babies entering the hospital suffering from kidney stones.

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