Vampires and AIDS

Vampires and AIDS
Vampires have always been ignored but they are concerned and affected by the AIDS epidemic that hit the planet. The number of vampires in the United States has decreased dramatically. Alan Crawford, Professor of Comparative Religion at the University of Berkeley, said:

"It is increasingly dangerous to drink the blood of anyone. The hospitals are now equipped with devices to detect the virus before transfusion, drug users can get to clean needles, condoms allows safe sex but nothing has been done to that vampires can eat and absorb blood without risk of catching the AIDS virus.

Mary Sanger is a vampire living in Southern California. She contracted the virus, four years ago, biting a young man who chooses to remain anonymous. It is one of the first vampires to break the silence and finally talk about the difficulties of being a vampire in the years AIDS.

"Firstly I refuse the name of a vampire who has a pejorative connotation. I prefer the term "death differently." The problem of AIDS has been ignored by conservative politicians who see in his victims that unwanted people in our society: homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes. For vampires is ten times worse. According to Pat Robertson, Conservative MP, "vampires must be resigned to die." We can not accept this kind of talk. This is racial discrimination. This discrimination is also found among the victims of this scourge. Indeed, at conventions, conferences, television, vampires are never shown or even mentioned. The only reason is that we make them afraid, like the plague. But what are they afraid? we communicate to them the virus? "

The cause of the spread of AIDS among the community of the undead, is that most people are unaware they are infected vampires. They often attribute symptoms to stress or their favorite hallucinogen. Experts say the major symptoms are nausea, loss of appetite, decreased feelings of violence, moody, complex towards his pale complexion. If you think being a vampire infected with HIV, please visit. You must contact the Carnegie Foundation for the undead 1430 Sunset Drive, Modesto, CA 90210 USA.

We met with Dr. Richard Hedd, one of the most imminent doctors can treat vampires, and have asked him a few questions:

- If I contracted the AIDS virus while I am alive and I became a vampire thereafter, will I become a Vampire HIV?

No, a person with HIV or ill before his "transformation" into a vampire, will not be infected in its second life. But a vampire who bites a healthy living person infected with the virus, or a vampire having sex with another vampire risk of contracting the disease.

- Using a condom during the bite can it be effective protection?

Not really. Abstinence is the best way to protect themselves from viruses. The problem is that vampires without regular consumption of blood, they die.

- Lately, I felt a burning sensation from eating garlic. Does this mean that I am a vampire?

Not necessarily. You can just be a vampire hypochondriac. I saw different cases where patients have imagined symptoms of undead.

We often hear that AIDS is a punishment from God to rid the world of fishing. AIDS vampires can be a perfect example of this theory?

My professional opinion is that God created AIDS to punish fishermen who had sex with monkeys and its proliferation among the general public, including vampires, is an unfortunate accident.

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