The Yeti

The Yeti
Abominable Snowman, Yeti in the north-east of Nepal (the word means "magical creature"), or Migou Migo ( "Wild Man") in the Himalayas or Gang-Mi ( "Man of glaciers"), all Himalayan Sherpas have heard of him. Some have even noticed. They say it can kill a yak with a single punch. Its origin is lost in the mists of time, but it is undeniable that the Yeti has always been present in the beliefs of Tibet.

Many expeditions have attempted to locate or even capture it, but in vain. It is a poem written in the fourth century BC, Rama and Sita, which mentions for the first time, the Yeti. The first known visual evidence dates from 1832, but JB Fraser Explorer mentioned evidence of a strange animal from 1820. The first discovery, immortalized by a photograph, date of 1921, photograph by Colonel Howard-Bury, renowned mountaineer on the slopes of the roof of the world, Mount Everest. The sherpas (carriers) of the expedition, declared that they were traces of Metch-Kangmi a monster living in the mountains. Metch-Kangmi is one name that designates the Yeti. Metch meaning disgusting, Kang snow and half man. The "repugnant Snowman" was born, the news spread around the world. In 1925, the District of Sikkim, Mr. Tombazi, a Greek photographer, member of a British geological expedition, had seen a man-sized creature, entirely covered with hair, with a conical skull and walking through the rhododendron . Going to the place where he saw the creature, Tombazi found many footprints. Back in the village, which served as base camp, Tombazi told the villagers who told him he had seen the devil Kanchenjunga. It is said that in 1938, Captain Auvergue, who had lost in a snowstorm, was rescued and sheltered by a Yeti until he could return home. In 1951, Eric Shipton discovering and photographing the traces on the glacier Menlung located between Tibet and Nepal to more than 6,000 meters above sea level. The tracks measured 33 to 45 cm and appeared to have made a few minutes earlier. In 1955, Abbe Bordet did, too, the same discovery. All these traces are appears "to be a detail the strange: the Yeti would have only four fingers. Another hypothesis is that two of his toes are so close, they do not differ in the footprints. In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary, first man to climb Mount Everest, discovered in the monastery of Khumjung Gompa, a Yeti scalp preserved as a sacred relic. The scalp over 300 years old, has a circumference of 65 centimeters.

In 1957, an expedition led and financed by Tom Slick, aimed to demonstrate the existence of an unknown primate colony. Droppings were found and their analysis has revealed even more disturbing facts and unexplained. Three intestinal parasites are unknown hairs were also analyzed and the results are close analysis of Bigfoot hairs: hairs of a large primate, species unknown. In the case of the Yeti, a clarification was made: red monkey, close to the orang-utan to be without. In 1961 the Tibetan government acknowledges' t officially the existence of the Yeti, the point of making their national symbol. In 1970, Don Whillans leading an expedition on the south face of Annapurna, and discovered numerous traces of Yeti. Don Whillans took his glasses and swept the region. He was amazed, climbing wall, a creature of humano • Large covered with dark fur. It could be seen walking on ledges for thirty minutes, then arrived on a tray, the creature disappeared into a forest. Whillans learned later that the valley in which he had seen the Yeti was called "the valley of the great ape." In 1974, a young Sherpa came face to face with a Yeti. She screamed, panicking the beast killed yaks 2 before fleeing. They found numerous traces of steps on site.

As and when the evidence and findings, it appears that there are several kinds, breeds or species of Yeti. In Nepal, live the Great Yeti, a vegetarian, but can become omnivorous in case of lack of food. In the same area, there are also Rakshi-Bompo, smaller than the Yeti, but much more aggressive and carnivorous. According to geographical areas, the Yeti may also be called Bang,Bangjakri,Ban Vanas, and Van Manas.

The excellent website "Virtual Institute of Cryptozoology (, tells us:" The record of the Himalayan Snowman is quite complex because it based on three distinct types of primates, whose range overlaps sometimes: a being of modest size, the "small yeti" (see his sketch below), which is certainly the most famous and lives mainly in Nepal, Sikkim and northern India; be a very large (over two meters), the "big yeti", reported mainly in southern China (Yeren), Indo-China and Indo - Malaysia, which is probably related to Gigantopithecus finally a real wild man, undoubtedly belonging to the genus Homo, whose range is much greater, since it covers much of Asia from the Caucasus up to Indochina, and in particular includes the Pamirs, the Indu Kush, Kashmir, Alta • (Mongolia), Tibet, etc.. "Indeed, there are three species of Yetis. - The Nyalmot, 4.50 meters high - the Rimi, 2.50 meters - The Bombo, 1.50 meters. These three varieties have in common, namely, red hair, a phenomenal force, a foul odor and some can "roar", but in most cases, these are strident cries were heard.

As we have already said, the Yeti appears to have few commonalities with Bigfoot. There is also this type of animal / human in Russia, specifically in the Caucasus. Two renowned scientists, the Russian historian Boris Porshnev and Professor Rinchen, Mongolia, conducted extensive research in this area. They met farmers witnessed encounters with Yetis. Scientists themselves, were able to observe a few specimens. In the nineteenth century, Colonel Nikolai Prsvalsky during an exploration of Mongolia and the Gobi Desert have reported several of the creatures walking on two legs like men, smaller than humans. The affair was hushed up by the imperial government. The inhabitants of this region call these creatures the Almas. • In Azerb djan, forests are populated Abanauyus, men of forests, and those of Kazakhstan Kiik Adam. In both cases, we find creatures with many commonalities with the Yeti or Bigfoot. In Siberia, peasants say that Chuchunaas, sort of cavemen two meters tall, stole their food supplies.

We believe that Yetis are a variety of prehistoric men who had not advanced. If so, how is their large size? The men of that time was rather small, some scientists espouse the theory of a colony of Gigantopithecus. The ape Gigantopithecus, lived on our planet from -1.8 million years -10,000 years. He looked like a gorilla, but its size, four feet, exceeded that of modern man. He lived in Southeast Asia and China. It was discovered by Professor Gustav von Koenigswald, who bought a stall in a Chinese fossil tooth from an unknown species of so-called dragon. There are still photos and casts of footprints of a bipedal creature larger than a man. One can notice the similarities between the Yeti and the North American Bigfoot. In comparing the testimonies, one might think that this is an animal (or man) of the same species. The best scientific skeptics attribute the traces to other animals such as bears, snow leopards or even rocks that have "bounced," leaving this place a mark resembling a giant human foot can easily see that even the skeptics are hardly convincing. There is something that lives in forests of the Tibetan highlands.

All these stories from different countries and continents leaves the pride of the legends of men of the woods or wild men. But like all legends have some truth, we may be led to wonder if we, humans, know every corner of our planet and all its secrets. Despite all its legends and its mysteries, we must not forget that Tibet is a province of China and isolating the rest of the world, this country suffers.

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